Monday, September 7, 2020


 I hadn't blogged in a while so I thought it was time.  This morning I was watching this video .  I like to read and watch videos from a variety of blogs.  And this is one of them.  There are two tips on the video about binding, one for creating a good corner which I do, and the other on how to join the ends of the binding.  I have had difficulty with this technique because when its demonstrated, you have to turn the binding in a funny way and in a different direction and I always get it wrong.  So mostly I just fold my binding over straight and it works fine.  But Teresa's direction on how to do the binding looks super simple.  She also has the extra edge on her binding which leads me to another post.  

I also like the Suzie's Magic Binding technique is you dont want to handsew your binding and you want a flange edge.  Check out this video .  There are a variety of blogs out there where you can find any information you want.  

I enjoy handsewing binding but many don't.  I need to get something finished so I can sit at night while watching TV and sew on binding!  

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